Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What does ACO stand for?
    • ACO stands for Accountable Care Organization  and is a component of the Affordable Care Act.  The term ACO refers to a legal entity composed of a group of providers that assume responsibility to manage and coordinate care for a defined group of patients in an effective, high quality and efficient manner.  UOP ACO has entered into a participation agreement with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to provide services to a defined group of Medicare fee for service beneficiaries who are receiving services through Parts A and B of Medicare.
  2. How do I know if my doctor is participating in UOP ACO?
    • To identify if your Primary Care Physician is part of the UOP ACO refer back to the PHYSICIAN tab to view the list.
  3. What are the advantages for a patient to be assigned to a Physician under the UOP ACO?
    • Collaborative communication between practitioners within the same ACO to determine quality care solutions.
    • Decreased unnecessary medical testing; providers will have access to previously completed testing.
    • Elimination of recurrent collection of medical history paperwork; access to the providers practice electronic health record (EHR or EMR).
    • Single point of contact for care coordination.
    • Multi-disciplinary collaborative team approach.
  4. If I need to see a specialist do I need a referral?
    • No, referrals are not required because under Medicare coverage of ACO prior authorization is not necessary.

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